Welcome to Laxfield Pre-School

our aim

We aim to create an environment, where children feel safe to learn, explore, build positive relationships but most importantly have FUN, for children aged between six months & five years old.

The Pre-School implements a mixture of Structured Planning & resources, & the Curiosity Approach. Through the Curiosity Approach, children explore the environment using authentic real resources that they may have experience with in their everyday life at home. Enchanting environments are used to create a world of magic & wonder; where children can use their curious minds to explore.

Laxfield Pre-School is run by warm, nurturing & experienced staff. The Pre-school works towards the Early Years Foundation Stage (2021) curriculum to support each child’s overall development. Within the child’s day, there will be a variety of activities, both indoors & outdoors, which are both adult & child led, always captivating the children’s interests & needs to be used as a foundation for this.

The EYFS (2021) is made up of seven different areas which are the main points of focus when observing & planning which are;

  • physical development

  • personal, social & emotional development

  • communication & language

  • mathematics

  • literacy

  • expressive arts & design

  • understanding the world

My son loves coming to Laxfield Pre-School; he has flourished in every area of development and looks forward to every session at the setting. The mud kitchen is his favourite place to play. All the staff are amazing and we couldn’t ask for a better experience for our child.
— Angie

About Us

Our purpose built pre-school offers a large welcoming indoor area, covered outdoor decked area and a grassed playground. These modern facilities support our experienced childcare practitioners to provide children with a variety of learning experiences. These staff are skilled at socially engaging pre-school children, whilst sensitively supporting them throughout the day with a range of indoor and outdoor activities that are tailored to suit the individual needs of each and every child. This provision is within the grounds of All Saints Primary School.  We are able to offer a fantastic introduction to learning for young children, comprising morning and afternoon sessions and a lunch club where children learn important eating and social skills.

I couldn’t be happier with the support that Laxfield Pre-School has given not only my children, but also myself. The staff go above and beyond to create an environment that puts children and their families at ease. Thank you!
— Katie

Discoverers room

Our Baby Room is open to babies from six months to toddlers of two years. The baby room offers a stimulating environment consisting of an indoor and outdoor play area, a sleeping area, changing and washing facilities. Find out more about our Baby Room here.

Explorers and Inventors

Our Explorers Room offers Early Education for children aged two to three years, and our Inventors room three to five years old. These groups are based in the main room which are divided by a fence. We practice core social skills such as sharing and turn taking as well as providing lot of language opportunities. The children are also exposed to real life play, with elements of loose parts & materials to stimulate imagination & creative play between children. We aim to ensure children are as ready as they can be for the transition to primary school, including group activities, short times on our carpet area & encouraging independence through everyday tasks such as dressing & undressing, toileting & basic hygiene.


We are very excited to now have a Holiday Club, taking children up to the age of 8 years old. This holiday club operates every holiday, however is not open over the Christmas Holidays.

We aim to provide the children with a variety of activities to cater for the different ages, from cooking, crafts, sport activities & walks down to the local park when we can.

please contact the office to enquire for your child’s place!


Laxfield Pre-school enjoys excellent relationships with a number of local schools including Laxfield, Stradbroke and Framlingham Primary. Many of our children leave us for our neighbour, Laxfield All Saints, and have the opportunity to take part in transition sessions throughout the school year prior to joining, which allows them to get to know their teacher and their new surroundings.

All Saints Church of England Primary School

Stradbroke CE Primary School

Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham’s CEVA Primary School