
Access to outside provision is something we emphasise in children's learning. We strive to continually improve our garden, providing a stimulating & immersive experience for our children. Our garden consists of sand & water play, a construction site, a mud kitchen & a woodland area. A variety of activities are set up each day to involve children in different experiences; these include parachute play, bikes, den building & mark making.

Children have free flow access to garden wherever possible which is very important to us.


Pre-School Pets

At the Pre-school we like to provide children the opportunity of small responsibilities which include looking after animals. The children assist on a daily and weekly basis to feed the animals and help clean them out. This fosters empathy for nature and ensures they learn how to care for living things.

We currently have our goldfish, an African snail & some stick insects!

Extra-Curricular Activities

We are delighted to offer the following extra curricular activities:

  • PE lessons

  • Yoga

  • Dance

  • Gymnastics

We also are very proactive in inviting visitors to the setting which we feel is very important due to the children missing different experiences during the Pandemic. Visitors include Dentists, Music Teachers & people from our community.

Oral Hygiene

There is now a huge emphasis on promoting the importance of good oral hygiene with children. This is something we really work hard to do at Pre-school, involving this in our everyday practice as well as providing different resources to parents & carers to support this at home.

Transition to school provision

We aim to ensure that children are as ready as they can be for the next big step in their lives; starting BIG school! To do this we have put in a variety of provision;

  • Organised transition visits to local schools

  • Transition packs created for schools confirmed attending

  • P.E lessons to encourage independence with dressing & undressing

  • Introducing simple phonic & number activities

  • Book bags

  • Parent consultations to support parents/carers with transitions

The children practise getting into their PE tops.